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Monday, 28 March 2011

Just a gentle reminder

This project will only really succeed if you bring me your bands. Get involved and send me links either by commenting on this thread or emailing suggestions to or If you're sitting on a great band, all you're doing is depriving the world of some awesome music, so send the mudda-fucka in my direction.

If you're lucky I may reply in a booze-adled haze with a picture of myself dressed as a Japanese schoolgirl, pigtails, peace sign and all. Trust me, you definitely want my Hello Kitty in your face if you know what I mean!?! Right! RIGHT!?! Okay I'll quiet down.

The Outsider

Twitter link (Get following)

Sunday, 27 March 2011



Who are they? Jake Wolf – Vocals, Patrick Somoulay – Guitar, Charles Caswell – Guitar, Francis Xayana – Bass, Bo Allen Blood – Drums

Where do they hail from? Minnesota, USA

Record Label Unsigned

With music boasting hooks as angular and monstrous as any, Reflections are a young band whose musical ferocity and technical prowess will ensure that they’ll shine in an industry of metal fanboys and hardcore aspirants.

Hailing from the less fair side of the Atlantic *ahem*, this youthful quintet popped up on my Facebook feed a couple of weeks ago and immediately shredded their way into my heart. Having only been established since 2010 and boasting a handful of songs, they’re certainly one of the more refreshingly original new acts I’ve heard in a long time. Self-professed djentlemen (for explanation, see here), they’re music is immediately stand-out, for although they possess the traits of metalcore-cum-experimental metal, the music sears with chaotic, technical brilliance. 

Just listen to An Artifact, the standout song from their collection; after five intense-as-fook minutes, you’ll find yourself picking up shards of skull from the floor. The jagged-riffed Picture Perfect also leaves no part of you unshaken. This band provides an unforgettably distorted and heavy ride through musicdom; it is certainly not comfortable, nor is it for the faint-hearted, but in a world where everybody’s trying to be the next KSE, this is a glorious plunge into ice-cold water.

Reflections even stick in a Katy Perry cover, just to fuck you up, and manage to get it right as well. The energy and exuberance of this outfit is tangible, evident through their seemingly tireless self-publicity on social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter. 

With what looks to be a massive show with Carnifex on April 6th, this is a time when I’m definitely envious of our cousins across the Atlantic. However with the potential that Reflections are showing from the few songs that they have to offer, I don’t doubt that they’ll be gracing our shores in the near future. The future looks to be theirs. Check out the free downloads in the link below.

Djentlemen, the bar has been set. Now it’s your turn.

Always looking in,

The Outsider

Find them on:

As it started out...

Borne from dissatisfaction and an ever-increasing apathy to the saturated metal scene, Letters from a Sandblasted Land was set-up to tick boxes both in my personal life and the world of music; of course, in my eyes the two are related. What should be more self-affirming to a true music fan like myself than to bring bands with a real talent into the public realm? Even if all this project achieves is to bring a few more people some new, decent music to their itunes library, then I can die happy. Let’s call this a project in raising awareness.

First task: Seek out the youthful trail-blazers of the metal world; these bands will range from coarse-palmed veterans of the live music circuit who have never been given any opportunity, to fresh-faced rabble-rousers still pulling at the apron strings. The focus will be on real homegrown talent; bands hailing from blighty with itchy trigger-fingers and fire in their bellies. Identikit scenesters should look somewhere else.

Second task: Bring these bands to you. I mean if they mean a lot to me, they should mean a lot to you *he says taking a coy glance downwards*.  These are no half measures, I will not bring you stuff that I’m not personally convinced by. Why take my word? Just listen to some of the music I’m going to bring you in the upcoming months.

Third task: This is up to you. BRING ME YOUR BANDS. I want to have my inbox ( crammed full with suggestions of new music you like, whether you’ve seen them on youtube, at a battle of the bands or you’re just a douchy lead-singer looking for some shameless self-promotion, please send me links. THIS IS INTEGRAL. I want to put my ear to the floor and hear the pulsating thud of this world’s most essential, dynamic and brilliant sound etched into the lining of the globe. That is up to you. Spread the word of Letters from a Sandblasted Land, and make it known that this is sanctuary for all the disaffected musicians who are shocked to shit with the current state of the industry.

This really is a very simple idea, but hopefully will prove to be brilliantly effective. If you are at all of the same feeling as me then please don’t hesitate to be a part of this movement. I'm on twitter as well, so please feel free to follow me as ABrashOutsider. My more conventional review site can be found here: Music Reviews from The Outside.

Thank you for your help,

As always, I’m looking in,

The Outsider